Best Accounting Software in Bangladesh
Smart Account is a most user friendly Browser based accounting app which combines Multi-user easy accounting software for small business. This account Software use as offline accounting software, we also provide online accounting services. Smart Account is a popular accounting software and simple accounting software. Easy accounting software to help you manage your business, the smart way!

General Account Management
Project-wise Accounts Management, Receivables & Payables Entry, Due Payment, Balance Transference to other account, Account wise Monthly-Yearly Report etc.
Inventory-Sales & Production
Product Order, Stock Management, Sales Management with Bar-code (POS Sale), Profit & Loss, Supplier & Client Manage with SMS Sending. Row Material, Production Function & Cost Management.

Billing Management
Cable TV Billing, Internet Line Billing, Utility Billing Automatic Invoice Generate Every Month, Line Man Wise Bill, Area Wise Bill, Bill Pay by Mobile (bKash) Bank, SMS Sending etc
Accounting Software Feature
General Accounts
Project-wise Accounts Management, Receivables & Payables Entry, Due Payment, Balance Transference to other account, Account wise Monthly-Yearly Report etc.
General Spending
Employ Information, Employee Pay clip Generate, Employee Advance Payment, Advance Adjustment, Report, SMS Communication
Inventory-Sales & Production
Product Order, Stock Management, Sales Management with Bar-code (POS Sale), Profit & Loss, Supplier & Client Manage with SMS Sending.
The cornerstone of financial analysis for any manufacturer is calculating an accurate product cost & Inventory. Row Material Management, Production Function & Cost Management.
Billing Management
Cable TV Billing, Internet Line Billing, Utility Billing Automatic Invoice Generate Every Month, Line Man Wise Bill, Area Wise Bill, Bill Pay by Mobile (bKash) Bank, SMS Sending etc
SMS & e-Mail Send
SMS & e-Mail Send Facility there in Software, Organization can send SMS to Client, by the selecting in system all Member/ Client one by one or at once & out of database.
Price package
Inventory & Sales
1000 TK/M
- Sales Management
- Purchases Management
- Inventory Management
- General Accounting
- Bar-code
- Product Return
- Supplier & Client Manage
- SMS Sending
- Down Payment 5000 Tk
Retail/ POS-1
1000 TK/M
- Sales Management
- Purchases Management
- Inventory Management
- General Accounting
- Bar-code
- Product Return
- Supplier & Client Manage
- SMS Sending
- Down Payment 5000 Tk
Retail/ POS-2
5000 TK/Y
- Sales Management
- Purchases Management
- Inventory Management
- General Accounting
- Bar-code
- Product Return
- Supplier & Client Manage
- SMS Sending
- Down Payment 20000 Tk
Cable Billing-1
1000 Tk/M
- Cable TV/Internet Billing
- Invoice Generate
- Line Man Wise Bill
- Area Wise Bil
- Daily Status
- Monthly Report
- Employee Salary Management
- General Accounts
- SMS Sending
- Down Payment 5000Tk
Cable Billing-2
5000 Tk/Y
- Cable TV/Internet Billing
- Invoice Generate
- Line Man Wise Bill
- Area Wise Bil
- Daily Status
- Monthly Report
- Employee Salary Management
- General Accounts
- SMS Sending
- Down Payment 25,000Tk
Production & Costing
8000 Tk/M
- Production Management
- Costing Management
- Supplier & Client Management
- Inventory Management
- Purchase Management
- Sales Management
- General Accounts
- Employee Salary Management- HRM
- Down Payment 30,000 Tk
Inventory & Sales-2
45000 Tk
- Customize Requrment
- Product Order
- Stock Management
- Sales Management
- Profit & Loss
- Supplier & Client Manage
- General Accounts
- SMS Sending
Importer Account
45000 TK
- Customize Requrment
- Product Order
- Stock Management
- Sales Management
- Profit & Loss
- Supplier & Client Manage
- General Accounts
- SMS Sending
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